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Benefits of having multiple payment gateways

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Today's fast-growing companies connect their applications to multiple gateways to harness business and technical innovation. Here are some of the most important reasons for using multiple gateways to receive payment online: 1. Increases customer confidence Bahia Blanca Image taken from a Strikingly user's site If a customer is unfamiliar with your payment gateways, they may be hesitant to proceed with the transaction. In fact, 19% of carts are abandoned if customers don't trust the site. Customers prefer gateways they have already used successfully. Especially since they are going to entrust the gateway with their private financial information. Therefore, having multiple gateways to receive payment online can boost customer trust and conversion rates .

Custody of clients According to International Sales Reports, 38% of customers have encountered a lack of payment options on websites. The key to solving this problem is to make multiple currency options available on the checkout page. An e-commerce website allows you to sell to anyone, no matter where you are. The difference in currencies, on the other hand, is a problem. To process payments from multiple countries, a single background remove service payment gateway may not be enough. Thus, to receive online payment from international customers, merchants must deploy multiple payment gateways on their platform. Selling internationally benefits both the business and the geographic coverage of the seller. 3. Meets all customer requirements Payment gateways differ in their functionality.

It's hard to find all the features in one payment gateway. Some gateways don't accept certain credit cards, and some don't offer monthly subscriptions . If customers can't find the features they're looking for, conversion rates can suffer. In fact, 7% of carts are abandoned due to a lack of payment options. 4. Provides data analysis Dataable Services Image taken from a Strikingly user's site Payment gateways provide the seller with different types of data. The information provided by each gateway is not the same.

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