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White Hate SEO techniques are intended to give relevance to the site through the value it provides for users. What is Black Hat SEO? Unlike White Hat SEO, this type of optimization bases its strategies on unethical practices. Attempts to improve positioning are based on contradicting or attempting to bypass search engine guidelines. Spinning, the well-known Spam and Cloacking are examples of some of these unethical techniques applied in comments and forums. Black Hat SEO may produce some immediate benefits, but it is not sustainable in the long term and furthermore, it does not add real value to the website.  

ethical strategies and others that are not, let's look at the benefits that SEO positioning brings. 8 advantages of doing SEO positioning for your website 1. SEO increases the return on your investment: This is one of the main benefits, SEO positioning, brings  Phone Number Data  high profitability to the site. If we compare it with other forms of promotion, improving our organic position on Google, for example, does not produce an additional cost. 2. When you do good SEO, you don't pay per click: Unlike Google Adwords, the traffic that is directed to your website when it appears among the first places is free. The increase in organic traffic does not generate expenses or payments. SEO positioning allows you to maintain stability in your investments regardless of the number of users who visit your website. 3.

There are no traffic or time limitations: In Google Ad or Facebook Ads campaigns and strategies, to name a few, there are limits to traffic and time frame. If your budget runs out, your campaign runs out. Search engines will no longer offer you a privileged place. 4. SEO represents long-term benefits: SEO is considered a marketing strategy with long-term results and benefits. Updated and optimized content will help you maintain good positioning. You just need to monitor and do periodic maintenance of your site to maintain the top positions. 5. SEO increases target traffic: The sites that occupy the first 3 places among the results receive more than 70% of the visits.

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